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发布日期:2019-05-11    点击次数:1522






陈汝东  卢雪花


On the National Metaphor of China in the New Era

Chen Rudong  Lu Xuehua

        AbstractMetaphor is not only a rhetorical device, but also a form of discourse.However, sometimes it becomes a national discourse, a national metaphor, and a part of the national strategy. This paper attempts to summarize the national metaphor of China, especially that of China’s national leaders in the new erasort out its characteristics and types, analyze its national discourse function, and explain its role in national governance, international relations coordination and even the handling of global affairs.

        陈汝东(Chen Rudong):现为北京大学新闻与传播学院传播学系教授、博士生导师,兼任全球修辞学会会长、国家传播学会会长、全球话语学会会长等,研究领域为修辞学、话语学、传播学等。
    卢雪花(Lu Xuehua):延边大学朝汉文学院副教授,北京大学新闻与传播学院访问学者,研究方向为新闻传播学、翻译学。





Praxis in relation to Hermeneutics and Discourse

Allen Amrollah Hemmat

    AbstractThe ancient Greek philosophic notion of praxis became again an important topic for the 19thand 20th century Western philosophers, with fundamental implications for the life of ordinary men and women. Translated by words like “action” and “practice,” this concept took special significance in the thought of pessimistic and optimistic philosophers. They both urged individuals to take action with enthusiasm and eagerness, in order to improve the condition of a humanity that is inflicted with the tribulations of the modern life. This presentation addresses the concept of praxis and its relation to the topics of hermeneutics, and discourse.
        艾伦·阿姆鲁拉·海玛特Allen Amrollah Hemmat):南佛罗里达州大学的传播学系博士,北京大学古代文明研究所的东方哲学典籍整理与诠释项目学术顾问。






The Musicality of the CosmosPhilosophicalSociological and

Historical Implications of Marcel Granet’s Study of the Book of Odes

David A. Palmer

       AbstractIn this presentation, I will draw on French Sociologist and Sinologist Marcel Granet’s (1884-1940) classic study of the Book of Odes (Shijing) to open a reflection on three interconnected implications of his work on Chinese civilization: (1) a musical, rhythmic cosmology; (2) the conditions of the social emergence and practice of such a cosmology; (3) resonances and tensions between the forces of history and the rhythms of the cosmos, society and the body.
        宗树人David A. Palmer:法国国立高等实验研究学院EPHE宗教人类学博士、伦敦政治经济学院宗教社会学博士后,香港大学香港人文社会研究所及社会学系副教授、博士生导师,香港人文社会研究所亚洲宗教研究组召集人,(香港)全球文明研究中心主任。

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