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世界汉语修辞学会(Chinese Rhetoric Society of the World)

发布日期:2010-07-16    点击次数:2663

    世界汉语修辞学会(Chinese Rhetoric Society of the World,CRSW),是汉语修辞学研究的国际学术组织,由世界各国从事汉语修辞学及相关研究的学者组成,2007年7月于国际修辞学史学会第16届年会上成立于法国斯特拉斯堡市帕莱斯大学,学会注册地韩国(学会注册信息参见韩国学术振兴财团网站www.krf.or.kr),秘书处所在地中国北京大学。

  本会宗旨 团结世界各国和各地区从事修辞学、汉语(华语、中国语)修辞学以及相邻学科研究的专家学者,积极开展修辞学、汉语修辞学研究,促进世界各国和各地区汉语修 辞学及相邻学科学者之间的交流与合作,推动汉语、汉语修辞、文化及其教学的发展。该会工作语言为汉语,辅助工作语言为英语。学会注册地韩国,学会注册信息参见韩国学术振兴财团网站www.krf.or.kr,秘书处为中国北京大学。学会首届会长及现任名誉会长为北京大学陈汝东教授,学会现任会长为韩国外语大学罗敏球教授。

  世界汉语修辞学会顾问委员会:Lawrence D. Green(国际修辞学史学会前会长,美国南加州大学教授)、Laurent PERNOT(国际修辞学史学会前会长,法国斯特拉斯堡第二大学教授)、Diane Desrosiers-Bonin(国际修辞学史学会现任会长,加拿大麦吉尔大学教授)、C. Jan SWEARINGEN(美国修辞学会前会长,美国德克萨斯A&M大学教授)、王德春(原中国修辞学会会长、上海外国语大学教授)、JON Sung-Gi(韩国修辞学会前会长,韩国高丽大学教授、图书馆馆长)。



           The Chinese Rhetoric Society of the World(CRSW)

  The Chinese Rhetoric Society of the World(CRSW)is an international academic organization of Chinese Rhetoric Studies. Its members consist of scholars from around the world engaged in Chinese Rhetoric and related research. The society was founded in the 16th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric (ISHR) at Palestrina University of Strasbourg, France, in July 2007. This organization registered in Korea, Its secretary is located in Peking University, China.
  The aim of the organization is to unite experts and scholars from the different countries and regions engaged in the study of rhetoric, Chinese rhetoric and relevant disciplines, carry out studies on international rhetoric, especially Chinese rhetoric studies actively, to promote exchanges and cooperation between scholars engaged in Chinese rhetoric and adjacent discipline studies from the world's countries and regions, to promote the prosperity of the study and teaching of Chinese language, Chinese rhetoric and culture development. The working language of The Chinese Rhetoric Society of the World is Chinese, auxiliary working language is English.
  The founding President of the Chinese Rhetoric Society of the World(CRSW)is Chen Rudong, professor of Peking University in China. The current President of the society is Na Mingu, professor from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in South Korea. Since its establishment, the society carried out international academic activities actively, strengthened the contact and cooperation with scholars from all over the world, has held three annual meeting successively in Qufu Normal University (July 2008,China), the Hong Kong Institute of Education (July 2010, Hong Kong), University of Incheon (October 2012,South Korea),The fourth annual meeting will be held in Seoul, South Korea university in October 2014. The Chinese Rhetoric Society of the World(CRSW)is an open international academic organizations, welcome scholars who are interested in rhetoric, especially Chinese rhetoric studies to join the society.

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