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发布日期:2015-11-28    点击次数:1180


        20151112日,南非开普敦大学菲利普约瑟夫赛拉泽(Philippe- Joseph Salazar)教授在法国巴黎荣获布里斯托尔启蒙奖”。
    赛拉泽现任南非开普敦大学杰出教授、修辞学研究中心主任、全球修辞学会理事、视觉传播学会副会长。其获奖著作为《恐怖主义修辞学》(«Paroles armées», “Rhetoric of Terrorism” Lemieux Editeur, Paris, 2015)。该书阐述了伊斯兰恐怖主义修辞理论,从东西方视角详细分析了伊斯兰国(ISIS)的恐怖主义修辞现象及其宣传和传播策略,并提出了相应对策。
    每年一度的颁奖盛典在巴黎布里斯托尔豪华宾馆举行。颁奖仪式由世界级经济学家雅克阿塔里(Jacques Attali)主持。多位哲学家、作家、公共知识分子、传媒界名流等出席并担任颁奖嘉宾。


(全球修辞学会秘书处 译介)



Philippe- Joseph Salazar Won “Prix Bristol des Lumières” in France


Philippe- Joseph Salazar was awarded on 12 November in Paris the most prestigious French prize for serious non-fiction "Prix Bristol des Lumières”  (Bristol Prize of the Enlightenment).


The Bristol prize celebrates the author of a political or social essay written in French which promotes a new and even polemical idea concerning the present times in keeping with the spirit and humanism of the 18th century.


The Award was made in Paris at Luxury Hotel Le Bristol which hosts this exceptional yearly literary prize. The jury consists of philosophers, major media personalities, writers and public intellectual, and is presided by leading world economist Jacques Attali.


Salazar received the award for his book Paroles armées. Comprendre et combattre la propagande terroriste (Armed Speech. How to understand and combat terrorist propaganda) (Lemieux Editeur, Paris, 2015 ). The book offers a detailed analysis of the rhetoric, propaganda and strategic communication of the Islamic State, also known as ISIL, or Caliphate.


The terrible Paris terror attack took place a few hours after the award, and resulted in the book and Salazar being thrown into the limelight, on front page of special issues newspapers, emergency crisis national radio and international television broadcasts. The book has been held as “the best book written on terrorism since 9/11”, “ a must-read for journalists and the military”, and “unique” in its approach, as well prophetic with regard to events.


The book is now in its fourth printing, and a new updated edition is to appear early in January.


(http://www.web-tv-culture.com/prix-bristol-des-lumieres-841.html; http://www.lemieux-editeur.fr/Paroles-armees.html)


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