大会发言嘉宾 陈汝东,北京大学 顾曰国,中国社会科学院语言研究所 廖美珍,华中师范大学 施旭,杭州师范大学 林克勤,四川外国语大学 毛浩然,中国石油大学(华东) 惠东坡,北京联合大学 周静,武汉理工大学 Allen AmrollahHemmat, 北京大学 张先广,美国格兰谷州立大学 会议论文征集等事项如下: 一、会议名称:第四届国际修辞传播学研讨会 二、会议主办单位:全球修辞学会、国际修辞传播学会 三、会议承办单位:武汉理工大学 四、会议地点:武汉理工大学(线上同步举行) 五、会议日程:2022年11月26日-27日(25日报到,26-27日学术研讨) 六、会议主题:融合背景下话语研究的守正与创新 会议子议题(包括但不限于): (1)国家话语与修辞研究; (2)中国对外话语体系建构与修辞研究 (3)翻译中的修辞学研究; (4)二语写作与修辞研究; (5)跨文化传播与修辞研究; (6)媒体技术发展与网络修辞研究; (7)危机话语研究; (8)新修辞现象与新语体写作研究。 七、会议形式:大会报告、专题研讨、小组研讨;会议语言:汉语、英语。 八、会议论文摘要、全文提交时间:论文摘要(300字左右)提交截止日期:2022年11月1日。请欲参会的学者将上述文件于截止日期前通过电子邮件发送至rhetcom2022@163.com,邮件题目请注明“第四届国际修辞传播学研讨会”。论文摘要接受通知发出日期:2022年11月5日前。因会议名额有限,请您在提交与会申请时,确认届时一定能参会。会议不接受已发表论文。 九、费用:与会代表会务费:800元人民币/每人(学生400元),会务费包含会议手册、茶歇、会议午餐、晚餐和参会证明。差旅费、住宿费及其他费用请参会者自理。 十、联系方式:武汉理工大学大学外国语学院 熊老师 邮箱:rhetcom2022@163.com 手机号:13477028097 竭诚欢迎修辞学、语言学、新闻传播学及相邻学科领域的学者惠赐大作,积极与会。 全球修辞学会 国际修辞传播学会 武汉理工大学外国语学院 2022年9月25日 CALL FOR PAPERS The 4th International Symposium on Communication Studies of Rhetoric November 26th- 27th, 2022 The International Symposium on Communication Studies of Rhetoric started in 2009 at the Peking University Overseas Exchange Center. Initiated by the Global Rhetoric Society and the International Society of Communication Studies of Rhetoric, the symposium focused on the research of rhetorical communication in the context of multiculture and multi-disciplines. Since then, three conferences have been held at Peking University (2009), Sapporo University, Japan (2011), and Central China Normal University (2014). The symposium has become an international forum for presentation and discussion of up-to-date research on communication studies of rhetoric. The 4th International Symposium on Communication Studies of Rhetoric will be held at Wuhan University of Technology, China on November 26th to 27th, 2022. Scholars, researchers and teachers are warmly welcome to attend this conference. The information of the symposium is as follows: 1. Name of the Symposium: The Fourth International Symposium on Communication Studies of Rhetoric 2. Sponsors: The Global Rhetoric Society; the International Society of Communication Studies of Rhetoric 3. Organizer: School of Foreign Languages, Wuhan University of Technology 4. Date: November 26th-27th, 2022 5. Keynote speakers: •Rudong Chen, Peking University •Yueguo Gu, Institute of Linguistics, CASS •Meizhen Liao, Central China Normal University •Xu Shi, Hangzhou Normal University •Keqin Lin, Sichuan International Studies University •Haoran Mao, China University of Petroleum(East China) •Dongpo Hui, Beijing Union University •Jing Zhou, Wuhan University of Technology • Allen AmrollahHemmat, Peking University • Peter Zhang, Grand Valley State University, USA 6. Theme: Discourse Study in Convergence: Tradition and Innovation Proposals are invited to address one of the following or related topics: •Government discourse in rhetoric study •Construction of China’s international discourse system and rhetoric communication •Rhetoric in translation studies •Second language writing and rhetoric study •Intercultural communication and rhetoric study •Media technology and rhetoric in internet communication •Crisis discourse studies •Studies of new rhetorical phenomena and new genres 7. Languages: Chinese and English 8. Dates for Submitting Abstracts: The deadline for abstracts in Chinese or English (about 300 words) is November 1st, 2022. Please send your abstracts to the conference email: rhetcom2022@163.com before this date. The notification of acceptance will be sent to you before November 5th , 2022. 9. Registration fee: The standard registration fee is RMB 800. The registration fee for full-time students (copy of student ID required) is RMB 400. Overseas participants are encouraged to participate and present online, and the registration fee is €50. Please note that the fee (for onsite participants) covers the conference pack, refreshments, meals during conference and certificate for participation. The fee does NOT cover travel, accommodations or other fees not specified. 10. Contact: All enquiries shall be made to the conference email: rhetcom2022@163.com and phone: 134-7702-8097 (Ms Xiong). Looking forward to your participation! School of Foreign Languages, Wuhan University of Technology International Society of Communication Studies of Rhetoric Global Rhetoric Society